
Blogger Sucks

yep. I said it!!

and Wordpress too!

The coolest way to blog, in my humble opinion, is on Tumblr.

Ok, blogger isn't the worst. I do think it's played out though.

Everybody has one and a lot of these blogs on here have the same layout. The same look!

IDK why everyone jumped on the blogger bandwagon. IDK and I'm one of those bandwagoners!

Maybe for community sake? I know this site makes it easy for you to organize your followers and stay updated on your fellow bloggers.. but what else is it that appeals to people??

After I created my blog (not this one), I felt cheated once I saw what Tumblr had to offer!! I mean would you feast your eyes on this:

look @ how clean and focused this blog looks!

Or This:

some of the goodies tumblr offers!

The call in audio feature is my faaaaaaave!!! It's quick, easy, and offers a really personal touch to your blog. yup.

Anywho: tumblr is HOT. tumblr is tomorrow!!!
I should know because I blog there! ha!

IDK, just give them a visit and decide for yourself!!

GO NOW!! The clock is ticking :)

The Answer is YES!

Yes, what?

Yes, I realize that this layout is ridiculous and that the boxes are not aligned properly.

Why did I do it??

Cuz I like it like that!

See what had happened was....

I was selecting a template for this blog when I decided:
The templates that blogger offer are just soo typical and boring!

I remembered seeing the "pyzam" name on another bloggers template, so I thought I'd give them a try. I needed something quick. Something random that would embody the name of this blog.

I began browsing through the newest templates that pyzam had to offer. None of them really called out to me. If it was a template that I was digging, it would always feature some random person that I didn't feel represented me, ya know?

For example, Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, I present you with exhibit A:

Throwback Blogger Layout

and exhibit B:

Drifting Away Blogger Layout

and it goes on....

What is the problem, you wonder??

Well.. it's simple:

I'm about SICK and TIRED of seeing white people, as the default people.

Like, where is the generic looking black girl with a fro huh???

I'll be honest, I did not, by any means, do a thorough search of every template on this website. I did a search for afro, black (wayyy too many punk, grunge templates to wade through), and africa. This template is the best I came up with!!

Largely, unless you want a stereotypical image [like the one featured on THIS blog!], images of POC's (people of color) are hard to come by it seems. I flip through magazines, watch tons of movies, scan book covers, etc., and the majority of the media I see is full of non-POC's.. or the same non-POC's over and over again (as if there is A SHORTAGE of POC's!!)

Anyway.. i just wanted to touch on this topic... very lightly, as you can see!

If you are interested in discussing this issue more, please visit one of my favorite blogs Racialicious. They feature a number of topics and discussions about race and popular culture, as well as other random things, i.e. a Heroes roundtable (for those of you that are fans of that show!)

I Heart Justin Bieber!!!

I was flipping thru the channels one day, maybe two weeks ago, when a music video caught my eye. The scene showed a pretty live house party, full of teenagers, with confetti falling (from the sky?). At the center of it all is the cutest boy, with the cutest energy, and the cutest voice!

I didn't finish the video that day and I'm not sure why. All I know is that the following week I was channel surfing yet again (I cannot STAND to watch commercials!!) when I see something called: Justin Bieber's Hitlist. I passed over it at first and then it hit me that the name sounded familiar. I decided to tune in to see who this Justin Bieber was.

This adorable specimen right here is JUSTIN BIEBER yall!

Official Pics

It was the same boy from the video I'd seen! I was soo excited! To ice my cake, the next video shown on his Hitlist was his that! It's called "One Time" and is his first (hit) single. The song is about his feelings for a young lady. It's pretty typical bubble gum pop music, but I think he has some potential. He has a good voice and the right people behind him.
According to the bio on his website, he was discovered on YouTube by a So So Def executive who flew him from his native Canada to Atlanta, where he eventually brokered a deal with Island Records. He's only 15 so hopefully he won't get caught up and become another drugged out, near forgotten, child star. [See McCaulay Caulkin.]

One thing is certain:
I HEART JUSTIN BIEBER! I have his single "One Time" on repeat and I will definitely probably be giving some of his other tracks a listen.

Well make that two things:

OMGEE His hair is soo dreamy! If I was 14... lol!
My World Album Cover
You can find more of him here:

What do you guys think? Do YOU like Justin B.? Ever heard of him? Does he make you go
"OMGEE" in a bad way? Weigh in!

Testing 1,2,3

This only a test.