
The Answer is YES!

Yes, what?

Yes, I realize that this layout is ridiculous and that the boxes are not aligned properly.

Why did I do it??

Cuz I like it like that!

See what had happened was....

I was selecting a template for this blog when I decided:
The templates that blogger offer are just soo typical and boring!

I remembered seeing the "pyzam" name on another bloggers template, so I thought I'd give them a try. I needed something quick. Something random that would embody the name of this blog.

I began browsing through the newest templates that pyzam had to offer. None of them really called out to me. If it was a template that I was digging, it would always feature some random person that I didn't feel represented me, ya know?

For example, Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, I present you with exhibit A:

Throwback Blogger Layout

and exhibit B:

Drifting Away Blogger Layout

and it goes on....

What is the problem, you wonder??

Well.. it's simple:

I'm about SICK and TIRED of seeing white people, as the default people.

Like, where is the generic looking black girl with a fro huh???

I'll be honest, I did not, by any means, do a thorough search of every template on this website. I did a search for afro, black (wayyy too many punk, grunge templates to wade through), and africa. This template is the best I came up with!!

Largely, unless you want a stereotypical image [like the one featured on THIS blog!], images of POC's (people of color) are hard to come by it seems. I flip through magazines, watch tons of movies, scan book covers, etc., and the majority of the media I see is full of non-POC's.. or the same non-POC's over and over again (as if there is A SHORTAGE of POC's!!)

Anyway.. i just wanted to touch on this topic... very lightly, as you can see!

If you are interested in discussing this issue more, please visit one of my favorite blogs Racialicious. They feature a number of topics and discussions about race and popular culture, as well as other random things, i.e. a Heroes roundtable (for those of you that are fans of that show!)